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School Ranking
High School Ranking
Public High School Ranking
Private High School Ranking
ICSEA School Ranking
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
Public Selective Schools
University Ranking
Edmund Rice College, Wollongong WestCompare
School Facts
School sector:Non-government
School type:Secondary school
Total student:789 (boy:773, girl:16)
Total staff:63
Student attendance:
None-english student:
ICSEA value:
1062, ranks No.801 More ICSEA Ranking...
ICSEA distribution:
Bottom quarterMiddle quartersTop quarter
HSC rank:No.353 (2015), No.428 (2014), No.285 (2013), No.586 (2011)
Location:Wollongong West
Address:112 Mount Keira Road West Wollongong 2500
Nearby:House Price  House Rent  Public Transport
Phone:02 4228 4344

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School Comment
Edmund Rice College, a Catholic Secondary School for boys established in 1926, is a member school of Edmund Rice Education Australia. At the core of its mission is the building of community through the establishment of positive relationships inspired by Ca... more
Student Assessment
Year 7545529535535561331
Year 9593580577582616261
Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011.
By Alumnus - 13 Feb 2022, Rate: excellent
this school is terrible
Bullying ignored
Pathetic teachers only there for a paycheck
Still the same leadership as when I was there
The school was so bad when I was there with the set up and lack of support and less than Medicore teachers
Along with a gruelling system that made you feel like you were in prison
One thing that truly stood out when I went there, this is actually quite amazing in hindsight...
There was ZERO pep, ZERO Pride amomg the student body for the school
We liked each other
No one, not even the sports teams or even debate teams who would represent this school, had the slightest bit of pride
On teams we were proud of each other and loved to win, but absolutely no one at all, felt any sense of loyalty or pride to this school
Victory in sport or debate or whatever boiled down to at best, pride in ourselves and zero appreciation for the school, and at worst, complete apathy
The teachers didn't like it there
No girls
We felt like angst ridden prisoners, above and beyond regular teen angst
I caught up with a few old former fellow students recently, turns out some of my year have been in and out of Gaol, and others are successful, all have said they'd never send their kids there
No pride in that place it took a lot of potential happiness away from our adolescence because of its system and atmosphere
I ultimately ditched this school for my final two years of highschool for a co-ed free public school,
That is where I actually had the best two years of my teens and felt a level of pride for a school that I had never felt before
I owe my wealth and success to that public school and not the shambles that was Edmund Rice college
I'm , rate this school

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