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2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
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Tucker Road Bentleigh Primary School, Bentleigh

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School Reviews
By Parent - 01 Mar 2019, Rate: poor
As a parent I’m writing this So you can make an informed decision. Bullying is prevalent. Parents are disgusted. There is a division amongst families in the school. There is very little school community. Teachers are rude. I was yelled at by a teacher, witnessed by parents and sadly my child and other children, for forgetting my child’s library bag in the first week of school. We removed our children. Now at a school with an outstanding approach to learning, that our children really enjoy and an amazing school community. We are thankful we made this change as their education and experience in school shapes who they will become in the future.
By Parent - 26 Feb 2019, Rate: average
I wasn’t impressed at all. For a school which likes to act that it’s progressive, it was so disappointing to see that my child’s kinda was more advanced in their education philosophy than Tucker Rd. You can tell that they are focused on getting children to conform by using stickers and meaningless rewards. This is focused on a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset. And by doing so, our kids will become less resilient. Communication is poor and they treat parents disrespectfully. I did not meet a single parent that was happy with the communication from the school, but like the children everyone conforms and Tucker Rd believes they are great. We pulled our child from the school in 3 weeks as we could see the negative impacts of this on her behaviour. In 2 days at a different school, with a different teaching philosophy, and we have an energetic and excited kids, wanting to learn, rather than the grumpy 5 year old, who felt rushed to do everything, coming home everyday saying she was bored, wanted to return to kinda and every morning did not want to go to school. If you want to turn your kids in robots, send them to Tucker Rd.
By Student - 22 Sep 2017, Rate: excellent
I Love this school it is so great we learn so many things and I would defiantly recommend it. We do a lot of sport and the children a very nice.
By Parent - 16 May 2015, Rate: excellent
Grumpy much? Accurate...? No!
By Student - 24 Apr 2015, Rate: excellent
I love this school honestly I have no concerns at all I also like some of the changes that our new principal Robyn Farnell has made she is great
By Parent - 20 Mar 2015, Rate: good
Great school but my only problem with Tucker rd primary is that they expect way too much from the parents,They are constantly asking for money and I honestly think they try and work more like a profit making business and take advantage of families,I understand there are costs involved in certain things like school excursions and so on,But the money they demand for these things are very much inflated and that's why I see it as a profit organisation,They can't even put on a sausage sizzle without overcharging the students for a single sausage,having to pay $3 for a single non quality is way over priced,The children were charged $10 each for a 2km bus ride for school sports day and the school couldn't even afford to supply a single cup of cordial,a total of 160 student paid their $10 each which totals $1600,I rang the bus company to find out what they charge schools for the 2km bus ride and I was very shocked to find out that it only cost the School way under $500,that is a profit of $1100 that went into the schools pocket,I would understand if the money went back into the school for certain upgrades of eg,facility's and so on but it doesn't.the school sports day was a very wet and rainy day and they only had 3 Small very cheap pop up shelter,the shelter's could only cover up to 10 Students each,so all up 30 kids were able to get under the shelter while the rest of the kids got drenched in the rain,These pop up portable shelters only cost $80 each.Please stop robbing us with all these inflated fees or at least put the rest of the money to good use,Please stop demanding so much from parents.I would love to see the day when the schools says that they will have a sasuage sizzle,maybe at the end of the year and tell the children that the single sasuage they Recieve is complimentary from the school because of robbing the hell out of the Parents.As I mentioned,I understand that there a fees associated with certain things but please don't charge us triple the price of everything.This is my only concern with this school either put the money to good use or only charge us the correct amount because seriously it is getting beyond a joke,I'm sick of the scool constantly wanting inflated prices for things that do not cost as much as the school demands.SHAME ON YOU TUCKER RD PRIMARY FOR MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT THE DOLLAR,US PARENTS ARE MORE THAN HAPPY TO PAY BUT WE WOULD LIKE TO NOT BE ROBBED.
I bet the Staff have a really pricey Dinner at the staff Christmas Party and hire the best restaurant for themselves at the expense robbing the students.
PS,I would love to hear the school is going to put on one of their famous sasuage sizzle one day and turn around and say,This is on the school..
I'm , rate this school

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