North Melbourne Median PriceThe House price is 2% lower than last year. Search North Melbourne sold pricesNorth Melbourne Median RentThe House rent is 19% higher than last year. Search North Melbourne rent pricesSchool Ranking | North Melbourne Primary School, North Melbourne | |
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School Reviews | By Parent - 04 Dec 2020, Rate: excellent | My child loved this school so much- she got attached to it over the years! She said that everyone is so open-minded and kind, and she learnt many new concepts and ideas. The environment is very clean and desirable, they do cleanups every few weeks. If you ever have a problem, you can always talk to the responsible teachers who would always try their best to help you. This school has many wonderful learning programs, as well as fun excursions and incursions. If you apply for this school, I’m sure you would LOVE it! | | By Student - 04 Dec 2020, Rate: excellent | I have been at North Melbourne Primary School since I was a little girl in prep. During these years, I’ve formed a strong and inseparable bond with it, and it’s my favourite place to be. This school has given me so many opportunities- the teachers are all responsible and encouraging, and the students are kind and positive. I’ve made loads of friends and enjoyed every valuable moment each day. I highly recommend attending this school, as you’ll have numerous beautiful experiences! | | By Parent - 14 Aug 2017, Rate: bad | Not a great choice, I had to deal with bullying issues many times, although it was hard since the principal didn't really do much! | | By Student - 14 Aug 2017, Rate: bad | Welcome to North Melbourne Primary Schoolwhere you can get the worst results! Since prep, I have been bullied, hurt, and harassed, every time I informed the teachers they did nothing about it. Nothing. The kids here are very nasty, and only worry about flirting. The teachers never help me & they always tell me to go away. Also, our environment is terrible, litter everywhere, working on the floors due to the spacing issues. I have been chocked to the ground, and the teachers just took it as a joke, I always feel miserable at this school, watching kids destroy it in every way, smashed chairs, broken gym door, and they are un safe for the students, one of my old friends made a fake Instagram account for me with my picture on it on public, without my permission so please, decide carefully before enrolling your child. | | By Student - 06 Jun 2014, Rate: good | This school is actually enjoyable. There is the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen which I enjoyed. This school is amazing. | |
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