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2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
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Macarthur Girls High School, Parramatta

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School Reviews
By Parent - 25 Oct 2023, Rate: bad
It used to be a very good school but not anymore. My daughter is currently enrolled here and I was inspired due to some other great studetns who used to go to this school and did well in thier HSC. But now the repute of this school has gone worse due to lack of discipline. School management does not do anything to reduce online bullying and harassment. There are no descilinary action and rules for uniform enforcement. There is no policy of makeup and jewllery. There are rediculous fights between girls. We hear fights happened between boys but this school is becoming famous for fights in girls as the school management cares more about staff than students. Please Do not send your daughters to this school if you care about thier wellbeing and future.
By Student - 30 Apr 2023, Rate: poor
The school is absolutely horrific. The education system their is very poor and the students there are very nasty. The teachers are very bored to teach and feels like that they come to school just for the money that's all. It is ridiculous. Their use to be good teachers that use to teach but now they have left too and probably because of it's deteriorating nature. Certainly a disgusting school especially the deputy principal is a hopeless guy. MR B!
By Student - 17 Aug 2021, Rate: bad
It’s a disgusting place to be. The school is filled with shitty teachers. Most teachers at this school are unfair and not authentic at all. All the cool and popular kids get favoured. The teachers are not fair when it comes to marking. In the past it use to be a reputed school but after 2014 things have deteriorated. I myself have experienced bullying from teachers and students. Mr bhattacharya the head teacher of teacher and learning Is a very sly man. Stay away from him. He gave me a nightmare and did everything so smartly and sneakily that no one came to notice. I tried telling teachers and principal but no one believed me. He never touched me but gave me the maximum discomfort without touching. Him and the entire school sucks. Do not even step in MacArthur girls high school.
By Student - 18 Feb 2021, Rate: excellent
This school is filled with angry issues people and they don't even teach well so I don't recommend going to this school.
By Student - 23 Dec 2020, Rate: excellent
This school is really respectful the principal is so warm hearted and takes care of the students so well they even have there own swimming pool before I wasn’t good at maths now I’m so good thanks to macathur girls high school I really recommend this school so much I learned so much from this school they always guide me and make sure everyone is safe no wonder prince Harry came here I love this school so much and I wish I always am in this school due to the corona they did a really good job handling the virus so they can protect this school I love it here it’s the besttttttt ❣️
By Alumnus - 03 Sep 2020, Rate: excellent
this school is very bad
By Parent - 27 Aug 2020, Rate: average
The school is nice the principal is nice but the students in this school are not very nice anyways the school is nice though.
By Student - 15 Mar 2020, Rate: good
To be honest this is a great school. Most of the students are kind and help me when I first got here. I am in year 8 and after a year, this school isn't really that bad. The teachers care about your learning and support you all the way. Just make sure you stay on their good side and you'll do fine. The principal doesn't waste to money on herself. If you guys haven't noticed where do you think the money came the pool, new roof, new demountables, new blue demountable Also even if this isn't the cleanest school ever, this is cleaner than most schools. If you are new here I hope yo have a wonderful time like I did
By Student - 13 Jan 2020, Rate: good
I think this is a good school, nice staff, and wonderful students. All the seniors help juniors and vice versa. The only thing I don't like is that some particular students don't behave accordingly to the rules and give the WHOLE school a bad reputation. But otherwise, this school is fairly nice and has an excellent ranking compared with other schools.
By Student - 07 Nov 2019, Rate: good
To be honest, the school isn't bad at all. There are teachers who care! I don't know why people are making it sound so horrible because it's not that bad. The students are really smart and are super friendly, at least my year group.
By Student - 23 Sep 2019, Rate: bad
i genuinely despise this school and i cannot wait to leave.
- uniform is expensive, and not even good quality (cardigans, junior shirts)
- we’re not allowed to bring in our own scarves, even if they are the ‘school colours’. we have to purchase scarves from THE SCHOOL UNIFORM SHOP. how is that fair?
- not allowed to wear nail polish or fake nails. how does that even remotely impact our ability to learn?
- we’re not allowed to go to the bathrooms during 2nd and 4th period. don’t even bother asking the teachers because they will completely lose it.
- a large amount of students in this school have absolutely no manners in public and give the rest of macarthur girls an awful reputation. the public hates us because of how some students enter public transport and treat the elderly, pregnant, disabled, etc.
- pride is completely unnecessary and just gives us MORE WORK AND STRESS, while forcing us to make presentations on how to BE LESS STRESSED.
By Parent - 12 Jul 2019, Rate: bad
My daughter has told me the principle is never in school and only some teachers teach properly and the principle wastes money on her office instead of using the money for students' wellbeing.
By Student - 04 Jul 2019, Rate: average
I rate this school an average as it has some goods and some bads.
By Alumnus - 30 Apr 2019, Rate: bad
No matter who you are you are likely to get bullied, this year the school is milking the fact the Royals came to visit. They don't focus on the kids and it makes the girls hate school. there are many girls at that school who are struggling and the teachers 'help' but the kids get nothing out of the learning and I truly believe that the math and history faculties are by far the best as they make the class interesting and actually care about the kids. There was a new addition to the deputy faculty and she really tries to make people feel as comfortable as possible.
By Student - 13 Dec 2018, Rate: excellent
The school is honestly one of the cleanest schools I've seen. And for all of you who think our principal is hardly here, it is because she is away in meetings discussing how to make our school better. Like all of you, I used to think that she had no interest in our school before but after talking to her, my opinion changed drastically. The school provided many opportunities to students including our PE facilities like the gym, netball courts and swimming pools. Furthermore, our integrated cirriculum is outstanding with the room building project that the Yr 9s have done and the Year 10 career project. And who forgot about the International Studies cirriculum? Honestly, this school is one the most maintained and opportunity giving girls schools out there!
By Student - 21 Nov 2018, Rate: bad
I am currently at this school and some people expect it to be such a great school because thats the false information the principal spreads around. The principal is greedy and spends all the school fees on decorating her ugly office and putting 2 aircons in each deputies and prinicipal office. The teachers have just given up and dont care anymore and soem teachers just have their favourite students and treat them differently to other students. This school has gone worse every year and will always get worse
By Student - 22 Oct 2018, Rate: excellent
I'm thinking about joining this school this this year, and Tommorrow is my orientation. Plz suggest me if this school is good
By Student - 04 Nov 2017, Rate: bad
this school Is terrible. the principle only thinks about herself and doesn't show any care to the students. I never want anything to do with that school again
By Parent - 14 Jul 2017, Rate: average
It could have been maintained the best public school in Parramatta if not the increasing now Middle Eastern students who may not be interested in their studies. It should be well balance of different race and cultures. Hardly seen any Caucasian students!!! The Principal is appalling, she needs to RETIRED. A good school needs A Good Leader, not a self indulged Public Servant which used the school budget on her office, aesthetic looks of the school and not on student's resources like books, computers , good Internet wifi, class rooms air conditioning, etc....
I salute to those teachers who keeps their students engaged to learning and motivate them. There are a few out there who are lazy and not interested in teaching. They are there to have their pay check. These students are our future and what you teach them will carry on to the future.
By Alumnus - 09 Dec 2016, Rate: good
Macarthur girls comprehensive state high school is typical of its genre. 20% of the teacher's have no heart in their work, the principal may or may not be one of the 20% of principals who should never have been promoted to such a position and are out of their depth and finally 20 % of the students are wasting taxpayers money because their intellectual ability precludes them from ever progressing beyond comprehension of basic skills and hygiene.
By Student - 21 Oct 2016, Rate: bad
This school is terrible. The Principal is never here as mentioned in the reviews below, and she honestly doesn't care about the wellbeing of students but rather cares about the schools reputation and how are uniform and how are "lady like manners" look to the public. The school makes most girls feel insecure in having to wear skirts and the jumpers are too expensive ($70) and do not stop any cold. When we do wear other jumpers that actually keep us warm, we are lectured by the stage leader. The Principal also wastes the schools money on a disgusting green fountain in the middle of the school that doesn't even work. She also wasted a lot of money just for her personal comfort by moving her office and buying new furniture for herself when she could have used the same money for new textbooks and resources. When we did have a relieving Principal all he did was take his new power for granted and made put all the girls down saying that all the teachers complain about them. The school would have been great if it wasnt for Mrs Cluff and Mr French. And the school is also infested with diseased pigeons in the corridors all the time.
By Student - 20 Sep 2016, Rate: poor
Macarthur Girls High School was an excellent school in 2011-2013, but as the years went by its ranking dropped drastically. This is because of the teachers as they do not show commitment to the student learning and do not know the subject properly.
Not to mention names but very few teachers don't teach anything they just show us movies or expect us to do the work ourselves. There are a few committed teachers who left the school, but there are still a few now.
There are some excellent teachers in this school ho stand prior to the others and should be recognised for their efforts. These include:
Mr Johnson, Ms Harris, Mr Tusa, Mrs Thorpe(The female teachers sometimes show teacher pettism)
By Student - 26 Aug 2016, Rate: average
The principal is never even here and when she is, its always the fun days like athletics or swimming carnival. The fees are pretty high considering the lack of sufficient equipment. Apparently the Cluff thinks its more important to spend friggin all our fees to move her office around the school and have it renovated. The office and staff rooms have air conditioning blasting while the students melt away. Some low life students keep trashing the bathrooms and they keep throwing our fees at fixing them when they should be investigating. How about putting some money into our textbooks and wifi? The teachers just love telling us off and scolding us to be more "lady like" and feeding into gender stereotypes. The fact that cluff took away our old uniform which included pants and made skirts compulsory for everyone shows exactly how they feed into gender norms.
By Student - 11 Jul 2016, Rate: excellent
the principal is so bad. althoughi graduate in 2016 (this year), she honestly doesnt care about us. ruin our life with her cool* initiatives like changing her office to the top floor - and not using money on useful resources like textbooks - especially for maths extension 1. like why do we use maths in focus when other schools get good results from new senior maths and terry lee?
anyways, some of the teachers are amazing - from all faculties (johnson, cumming, nowicki, coop, stolk, thorpe) while some other teachers are DIFFERENT ie: they are bad
By Student - 25 May 2016, Rate: bad
the teachers don't care
By Parent - 24 May 2016, Rate: bad
The principal wrecks this wonderful big school, to be honest, and my daughter says this almost every single day!
By Parent - 04 Mar 2016, Rate: poor
It used to be good school
not anymore. Please don't come to this school.. Principal doesn't care about girls mental health..
By Parent - 04 Mar 2016, Rate: poor
My girl goes to this school, she hates it. She wants to change the school next year.. Very unsupportive teachers and Principal..
By Parent - 04 Dec 2015, Rate: excellent
We changed our daughter over to MGHS to start Year 8 for 2015 as we needed a school which was more suitable for her to relate to other students on an intellectual level. She also experiences anxiety and panics as part of her condition.
The change of school has been the best thing for her. While the change of environment and routine was difficult for her, the staff have helped her to settle and we have had an open line in communicating with each other regarding her welfare.
Now we have another daughter starting here in 2016 for Year 7 and she's looking forward to her time after having two transition days followed by the orientation day.
And the student population is amazing where the young ladies are highly supportive of each other. Very impressive.
By Student - 26 Nov 2015, Rate: excellent
Awesome school, great facilities and most the girls here are well mannered except for the year 8s in 2015
By Parent - 28 Oct 2015, Rate: excellent
My daughter is having a great time at MacArthur Girls High School as a year7 student and never hesitates to take a day off school. There may be some aggressive students or so, but it is not the school it is the student themselves. MacArthur Girls is strong with knowledge and great at educating all years. All teachers are kind hearted and supportive, please don't underestimate a book without reading the story, Thankyou
By Student - 28 Oct 2015, Rate: good
I'm a new year 7 student and so far my family and I have felt so welcome. I am extremely proud to be a Macarthur girls student. I love the teachers, students and the curriculum in education and teaching. -Sereen
By Parent - 12 Aug 2015, Rate: bad
As a parent, my daughter feels as if the teacher are always picking on her no matter what she try's to do, she's gone through severe depression and anxiety and teachers being rough on her and after I had a chat with the principal about her situation they disregarded and still give her a hard time, many teachers are horrible there and also many students but it's a school where you need to push yourself if you want to survive and get a good grade out of.
By Parent - 29 Jul 2015, Rate: bad
By Student - 05 Apr 2015, Rate: average
This school are for those who want learn and achieve if you don't then your wasting your time.
Other reviews are saying that the girls are aggressive, no we are not aggressive we are actually very nice and our interests are in different places okay.
But the teachers are okay.
By Student - 21 Mar 2015, Rate: good
i go to mghs. its good education wise. but others, i give a 8/10
By Student - 09 Dec 2014, Rate: excellent
This school provides us many opportunities to achieve our very best. Other schools might not have a swimming pool or even an agricultural farm.
By Student - 09 Dec 2014, Rate: excellent
This school provides us many opportunities to achieve our very best. This school provides us many facilities like a swimming pool, rose garden, agricultural farm, gymnasium, basketball court, netball court and two ovals. All those in one school. Some schools don't have a swimming pool some are very lucky not having to go somewhere else to learn how to swim.
By Parent - 12 Nov 2014, Rate: average
This school needs more help and more students shoudl learn to the best
By Parent - 04 Jul 2014, Rate: poor
My daughter is always telling me about how rough and aggressive the girls in this school are, especially when getting on the bus.
By Parent - 23 Mar 2014, Rate: excellent
Very good facilities and well educated teachers my daughter loves it there
I'm , rate this school

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