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2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
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Keilor Downs College, Keilor Downs

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School Reviews
By Parent - 20 Feb 2019, Rate: excellent
this school is fun great and intresting the people that put bad comments are lying or just being funny/ making fun of this school i highly recommend this school for hard working students
By Parent - 19 Sep 2018, Rate: excellent
Well.. my son in year 11 and seriously try to have a good grades n working hard for year 12. I have not missed any parent/teacher meeting and could well rate the teachers and school way above average... the teachers been very supportive throughout his years in the school. But sad to say a friend’s son who is in the same school and age as my son having problems with alcohol and drugs... so , are we blaming the school ??
By Student - 27 Oct 2017, Rate: bad
get me out of here
By Parent - 19 Jul 2017, Rate: bad
i hate this school don't send your children here
By Student - 05 Mar 2017, Rate: excellent
Ignor the bad comments this school is the best one
By Student - 05 Mar 2017, Rate: excellent
The best school ever I couldnt be happier
By Parent - 16 Jun 2016, Rate: good
Our experience is that Keilor Downs is a school that values and nurtures students in many different areas. I have recently moved my child from a school in a more privileged area. I am very impressed by the school culture and responsiveness so far. My child is thriving here, happy and very engaged.
By Alumnus - 06 Jun 2016, Rate: good
Focuses more on the Math/Sciences than the Arts/Humanities.
SEAL Program very good
By Parent - 17 Jul 2015, Rate: excellent
Good teachers, who always had good relationships with my kids no matter what. Mine both graduated uni after that doing what they love. I feel they looked after the kids from day one, and it made a big difference by the end of the 6 years. One or two students caused property damage at the school worthy of a police report, but they were upper vce age.
By Parent - 25 Jun 2015, Rate: bad
the school needs to have more security in places. they need better classrooms and a safer environment. the uniforms should be more advanced and they should teach the children how to respect others. the question is how can children coop with this school?
By Alumnus - 18 Jul 2012, Rate: good
Yep, pretty good aneswr Adrian.The problem is that tho' its a pretty basic concept to this whole debate nobody really explains to the public what a school' is.Is it a collection of buildings on a site?They can be changed of course. Cost money obviously. Julia and co deserve some credit for doing such as part of the stimulus.But if you call a school a thingy made out of bricks and wood and glass etc thats a pretty inert thing to be looking at.Is it a collection of educational programmes, you know, syllabus and curriculum stuff?That would be pretty uniform to all schools within each state I would have thought.Maybe its the teachers?Not really, my experience is that if you visit a school one year and then go back to the same place about three years later MOST of the staff would not have been there on your first visit.Maybe things have changed since my day?So what is a school? [if you don't want use the term yoghurt].What is this my school' thingy actually trying to measure?
I'm , rate this school

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