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Beaconhills College, Pakenham

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School Reviews
By Employee - 08 Jun 2023, Rate: bad
I don't have the words to encompass the gravity of how poorly pakenham campus is operated by management team (particularly the early childhood component). It is the worst facility that I have worked at in terms of their employee culture. Staff are content meeting bare minimum requirements. I've worked at many, many public facilities that offer stronger programs, better networking and extra curriculum experiences... Management strips away teachers autonomy which impacts teachers ability to work at the best of their capacity... turning great teachers into unmotivated workers instead of educators... Run...
By Student - 28 Aug 2022, Rate: bad
very bad school don’t bother paying over 10k for secondary and over years, waste of money
By Student - 02 Jul 2022, Rate: bad
I got a A in maths then this idiot maths teacher in year 7 changed it to a B not b+ but a B ITS NOT FAIR
By Parent - 08 Mar 2022, Rate: poor
Our daughter recently moved to senior school this term coming from another Eastern suburb. She said most of the kids swear a lot and a good number are rude, discourteous and vulgar. I tend to believe her because I have heard them myself. There is a bunch of boys who while waiting for pickup near the bus-stop religiously use the f word every 2-3 words. The teachers standing around quietly seem to tolerate this. Also when I went on first day to drop my daughter off, I had to help her to get her to the right class room. I heard kids swearing and teachers just casually walked by like nothing's happened.
I am not sure it is a Christian school because the kids don't seem to be receiving any religious, values or moral instruction.
Are all schools in Pakenham like this? If anyone is aware of other schools with better behaved kids in Pakenham or Officer please let me know. Is Lakeside College better? I am thinking smaller should be better.
By Parent - 07 Jan 2022, Rate: poor
Well, Frankston High has better study scores! Interesting!
By Parent - 11 Nov 2020, Rate: bad
Bullying that matters
By Employee - 08 Oct 2020, Rate: bad
I was severely bullied by senior management to a stage my mental health was impacted. The incidence of staff bullying each other is rife and starts at the top.
By Student - 13 Jun 2020, Rate: poor
The school is quite poor in academic success but boasts about it a lot. I’m now in University but I have quite a bit of points to to make. Firstly, Junior school is amazing and really enjoyable! BUT, Middle School is crazy. The bullying rates are pretty high and I think they spend too much time on “House Activities” instead of academics. Same with specialist such as sport and art. Finally, for a public school, it’s a waste of money. It costs quite a lot of money to go here but to see what it is, is sadly terrible.
By Alumnus - 03 Jun 2020, Rate: bad
As an addition to the review I just posted, I forgot to mention that there were a couple of good teachers who were passionate about their jobs.
By Alumnus - 03 Jun 2020, Rate: bad
As a graduate of Beaconhills, I would never send my own child there. It was a terrible school in terms of learning environment and the quality of teaching. You may as well send your child to a public high school and save on the school fees. If you’re set on sending your child to a private school, there are other schools that provide a proper private school experience and a much better education. Beaconhills is at the bottom of the heap of private schools and in my experience, definitely not worth the money.
By Parent - 13 May 2020, Rate: bad
I have given my 4 children a chance it was a disgrace. Terrible school in henerwl
By Student - 17 Mar 2020, Rate: bad
Constant bullying
By Parent - 25 Jan 2020, Rate: bad
We tolerated Little Beacons only because our children were enrolled to attend the Pakenham Junior School. We now have two children settled into the Junior School and have so much regret. We have been very unlucky in the teachers our children have had, homework was never checked, children yelled at when it wasn’t warranted and we haven’t received a single reply to an email from main teachers or even the Principal. Children have been learning Music as a subject for three years and are yet to even touch an instrument. Both of my children have experienced bullying in the classroom and the playground and in once instance, the teacher was telling my child to continue to play with this child who was bullying or else the bully would feel excluded. The Christian Religion is pushed massively. Children are no longer given any awards or certificates of encouragement. There is nowhere near enough parking. Children are told who to dress up as for Book Week. The Junior School is very unwelcoming in general, the Principal is a snob, the reception area is no longer open, Parents are not welcome in the classroom to drop their children off (even in prep) and the principal will stand in the room and take your child off of you (won’t say hello to the child but rather just take them). It was a lovely school, with a beautiful culture and reputation. Sadly, it is going downhill massively, the question is though, what is the alternative in the area?
By Parent - 23 Apr 2019, Rate: bad
The junior school is a dream, and was a beautiful learning environment when Mr Hockey was running it. Once you reach Middle School its awful. Constant bullying, teachers breaking students by refusing to take reports of bullying, bullies being given privileges while the victim has to avoid them and live in fear. Every parent I have spoken to that has removed their child from the school says the same thing- that they will tell the victim they need to be more resilient- or that they are the problem! The never consider intervening and counselling the bully so that they can become better people, instead just pretend to deal with the aftermath. School never confronts parents as they see them as money machines and would rather lose a student that is a bullying victim than the bully because the victim will go away quietly, whereas the bully will keep paying their fees and keep them all in jobs
The middle school teachers really don't care, and they do not follow their own bullying policies and procedures.
By Parent - 12 Feb 2019, Rate: bad
Another child in my child’s year level graffitied my child’s name all over a desk in the classroom. Instead of the person who did it being held accountable, my child was blamed as it was her name in the graffiti. She was forced to go in before school started the next day to scrub the desk, even though she had told the teacher that (at the time) she didn’t know who was responsible for it, it wasn’t where she had sat, she didn’t like what it said about her and it clearly wasn’t in her writing. This teacher had never taught my child before, or he would have known that she is not the type to deface school property. The only saving grace was that my child was relieved to have scrubbed her name off as she was humiliated at what these kids had written about her. This school has major issues with discipline and behaviour management and I regret not pulling my child out of the school. The bullies who were responsible for the graffiti of course found the whole situation hilarious as they got away with it. The school doesn’t know how to address bullying and so they pretend it isn’t there. Quieter, more academic students get completely lost in this school.
By Parent - 30 Nov 2018, Rate: poor
Pulled my child out.School has major bullying issue.Its been 2 terms of my complaints and emails,yet to receive an email from them.Worst experience in junior school
By Parent - 23 Nov 2018, Rate: excellent
Junior school fabulous. Middle school is an absolute joke. Money down the drain in my opinion. Lift your game BH
By Parent - 11 Aug 2018, Rate: excellent
Very happy with the school.
It's not a high class school but school will give you 100% support.
By Parent - 11 Aug 2018, Rate: excellent

I am a parent of Berwick campus.
My daughter is studying here from prep onwards.
Now she is in the middle school. We don't have any issues. All the teachers are so supportive. The head of house is so approachable. We don't have any regret. She will remain here until the VCE. I will highly recommend this school to anyone.
By Parent - 10 Jul 2018, Rate: poor
Loved the junior school at Berwick Campus however middle school was a totally different situation.
Bullying which comes with the age, is not addressed.
Had to pull my child out at grade 6. As a parent I couldn't put up with the very sad, withdrawn child that had developed from the bubbly happy year 4 child when moving from junior to middle school. Now in second year at new school and the old child has fortunately reappeared.
By Alumnus - 16 May 2018, Rate: bad
They are full of promises and everything you want to hear at the information evenings, but they then fail to deliver after you enrol. A lot of emphasis was on sport, and there was shaming (rather than support) by teachers if you’re not gifted in this area. There was also a lot of wasted time on “House Activities” which took away from active learning time in class. I moved to a public school and found that I was given more time and many more opportunities to focus on my studies.
By Alumnus - 17 Feb 2018, Rate: poor
There was a lot of bullying at this school and the school didn’t do anything about it. My friends who went to public schools had more subject choices and seemed to have better facilities. The culture at Beaconhills made it a difficult place to learn. I don’t recommend this school.
By Parent - 25 Oct 2017, Rate: poor
I have taken my son out from junior school . Class sizes way too big and not enough support for students if you are struggling in an area. Bullying happens quiet a lot and the school brushes it under the carpet. My son now has blossomed at his new school to the confident boy he used to be.
By Parent - 25 Nov 2016, Rate: poor
My son started in this school from January this year.
My son has been made fun of and teased by other students frequently since he is a bit different from the others ( He has ADHD). He is not aggressive at all and most students take this to advantage to make fun of him.
Complaints to the teaching staff has not done anything to prevent it happening over and over again.
All they do is tell the victim to stay calm and control their behaviour, when they should be telling this to the bully.
The staff seems to be more into listening to the bully than the victim since the bully some times makes the complaint first after an incident to cover themselves.
Pathetic attitude of the staff towards discipline.
By Parent - 30 May 2016, Rate: bad
I hate this school
By Student - 11 May 2016, Rate: average
Beaconhills College is an average school. The school likes to boast about its high academic succes which is actually not very high from my belief. The main issue I have with the school is the way in which it is ran, in specific the middle school. Bullying is an issue at every school and is surprisingly low at beaconhills, which I do credit them with as they do at lot to prevent it. However if a student is to tell the school about an incident even if that student is the cause and the problem he or she is identified as the "golden student" because he went to a teacher. By golden student I mean that the school completely favours the student which tells a teacher first, even if they are proven to be in the wrong. Completely unfair and bias. Teachers can also be rather rude and seem like they hate their job which they have a tendency to take out on students. This is extremely unfair on students. When it comes to reports teachers put next to no effort into writing the middle of the term reports (mid term reports) they give every single student an average, unless the student is know to be a nerd. I worked my absolute hardest and was ahead of my class in every core subject however I got all averages for my mid term report along with everyone else. Great to tell my parents I have worked hard and have no evidence to back it up and only evidence to contradict what I have said to them. This due to teachers being lazy when writing these reports. It is unfair on the student.
By Parent - 20 Apr 2016, Rate: poor

So frustrated with this school. I have 3 children there. The junior school is good, most of the junior teachers are very good (always a couple of staff in any school that are not liked for various reasons). Quite a bit of academic pressure and very little support for kids with learning difficulties or neurological /behavioural conditions.
But the kids go into the middle school at grade 5 and that's where it goes downhill. The grounds of the middle school are drab, rundown and there isn't much for the kids to do besides sit around (unless you are a year 8 boy and you get to rule all the sport areas every recess and lunchtime). Very poor leadership by the head of middle school and he has little communication with parents. The children are not known by the staff and the staff often fail to recognise or support those children who are struggling. Their cyber safety programme is totally useless, IPads are compulsory from grade 3. Kids have to have YouTube which can't be filtered to any degree. My children have been shown pornography by other children on numerous occasions and the schools response is a shoulder shrug. Even several teachers in the junior school say that they did not or would not let their child attend the Pakenham campus middle school. Very little choice in this region for satisfactory and affordable education options. Really disappointed.
By Student - 09 Apr 2016, Rate: average
beaconhills college is an okay school. its okay if your child is smart but if you child is not really smart maybe go look at a different school. i think you should do that because i have a thinking problem and we found out in year 3 then 3 years later the school didnt know about it.
By Parent - 12 Mar 2016, Rate: excellent
I am so pleased that have sent my two boys to Beaconhills. My youngest started at Little Beacons and is now entering middle school. They transition from kinder to prep was fantastic and l my only dissappointment is that my oldest did not start until year 3. He has a learning difficultly and would have benefited starting at Little Beacons. I am sure this would have been identified earlier with their focus on early intervention. I am looking forward to the next 10 years.
By Parent - 09 Mar 2016, Rate: excellent
I have had 3 children at Beaconhills Pakenham Campus over the past 10 years and cannot fault this school When my son became ill in Year 7, the support and encouragement he received was second to none.I have always found the staff to be extremely professional in every aspect. All of my children have flourished under the guidance and care of the teaching staff, and have always been encouraged to pursue their chosen path. I highly recommend Beaconhills
By Parent - 18 Feb 2016, Rate: poor
My child attends the ELC Little Beacons and it is nothing short of an institution. The inflexible policies and procedures and constant change over of staff is terrible. If you have the money and live in the area - don't send your child to Beaconhills and instead explore Haileybury or St Margarets Berwick.
By Parent - 07 Feb 2016, Rate: excellent
My daughter has attended Beaconhills since little beacons, she has had Dyslexia which was not diagnosed till year 3, however, I have found the teachers in junior school and Middleschool both very supportive and understanding of this condition and have made extremely good efforts to assist her in her learning she went from having C' & Ds to having Bs & As and received an Award of Excellence last year, they are very supportive and offered an adjusted program for her which has assisted her in catching up to her peers! This is a great school, there are plenty of activities that the students can join in and their Arts and Performing Arts Programs are fantastic! My daughter loves this school! I highly recommend that you look at Junior & Middle School!
By Parent - 11 Nov 2015, Rate: poor
So frustrated with this school. I have 3 children there. The junior school is good, most of the junior teachers are very good (always a couple of staff in any school that are not liked for various reasons). Quite a bit of academic pressure and very little support for kids with learning difficulties or neurological /behavioural conditions.
But the kids go into the middle school at grade 5 and that's where it goes downhill. The grounds of the middle school are drab, rundown and there isn't much for the kids to do besides sit around (unless you are a year 8 boy and you get to rule all the sport areas every recess and lunchtime). Very poor leadership by the head of middle school and he has little communication with parents. The children are not known by the staff and the staff often fail to recognise or support those children who are struggling. Their cyber safety programme is totally useless, IPads are compulsory from grade 3. Kids have to have YouTube which can't be filtered to any degree. My children have been shown pornography by other children on numerous occasions and the schools response is a shoulder shrug. Even several teachers in the junior school say that they did not or would not let their child attend the Pakenham campus middle school. Very little choice in this region for satisfactory and affordable education options. Really disappointed.
By Student - 06 Nov 2015, Rate: poor
Generally a good school the students are great , but teachers aren't so great...
they discourage you to stay if your grades aren't good enough they will push you out no matter what they also give up on students who struggle to keep good grades .
By experience I advice you to not send your child to this school if you don't want them to be stuck being basically kicked out for not being not smart enough
Beaconhills college is desperate for their schools overall atar score
They are money hungry till they want you gone
By Student - 02 Nov 2015, Rate: poor
Teachers are bad !!!
By Alumnus - 11 Jul 2015, Rate: bad
I was a past student at this school and it was the worst 4 years i have ever experienced. Not only do you get discouraged by the teaching staff here but you also get asked to leave in the later years of the senior school if your grades are bringing down their average. All i can say is do not send your child to this ran down tip
By Student - 17 Nov 2014, Rate: excellent
Best school I've ever been to. I really wish I didn't chose to leave. It's just such an unbelievable school, it's just like a dream and I chose to leave it. I would like to return in Yr 10, and just try again. The staff, students and teachers are just so friendly, and there are so many students so its so easy to just find new people! By far the best place to be.
Student Number 3130
By Parent - 14 Sep 2014, Rate: excellent
I am a parent,
My daughter still goes there,
We are really really happy with the school,the way they teach,individually take care of the kids.
They give so many opportunities to the kids,to explore in varies activities and give them confidence to face the real world.
She will continue with this school until she finishes her VCE,why I have to put her in a selective school with so many pressure situation.
Her behaviour is outstanding,
We have so many opportunities to talk to the teaches and inquire about the child.
We can't blame the school, there are 3 ways of learning , which the child,parent and teacher, when all work together the results will be success.
I am very proud that my daughter chose this school after visited so many schools.
By Parent - 23 Apr 2014, Rate: average
My child had recently been going to beconhills pakenham campus he is going very very good his average in exams is over 80% and I am very proud of my son and beconhills
By Parent - 14 Sep 2013, Rate: excellent
I worship this school. My son who has Aspergers started at Pakenham campus Middle School very recently and he is truly happy there. we can see a difference in him already. His confidence levels are rising. The head of middle school and staff has created this perfect culture that every student feels safe and gives every child a perfect enviornment to learn and grow. this school proves that it doesnt have to be a "small" school for individual attention. After searching for a suitable school for over an year glad we found this school. God Bless Beaconhills College Pakenham.
By Parent - 03 Aug 2013, Rate: poor
I have two children which both attend Beaconhills Berwick. I had then both enrolled there for many years. We were given a place for both of them in middle school. I have been really disappointed with the school for some time now. The saying 'you get what you pay for' does not apply in this instance. Beaconhills only caters for kids that are academic. One of my kids is really struggling there, with no help from anyone. There is one particular teacher there that really shouldn't be teaching, so negative and always against the kids. I am looking elsewhere at the moment. Although there are some great teachers there, with a couple real nasty ones really ruin the schools reputation.
By Parent - 28 Jul 2011, Rate: average
After having my childrens names at this school since they were babies. I have found the school to be disapointing the phrase all care no responsibility comes to mind. It is fine to talk the talk but you have to be able to convey a lesson in a way that a child understands. An incident where a new child from another school started and was told she should already know how to construct and essay is not what I call satifactory, but this was only one teacher's comments.
The unfortunate part is we don't have any alternatives for schools either very expensive and not always good results or problem secondary colleges where school work seems to be second place to bullying and no discipline
By Parent - 22 Apr 2010, Rate: good
Our youngster commenced at beaconhills a while ago now. We found her foundation learning absolutely impeccable - however the bonus we all received was the integrity this school gave to its parents and students alike -treating all with true kindness and care. As parents we were encouraged to learn along with our children which we enjoyed immensly with some parent classes. Fantastic primary and early secondary foundation which still holds today albeit we had to move to QLD unfortunately. Our eldest childs fluent capability/confidence is shown amongst her peers placing her easily amongst new challenges facing them appropriately and has earned great respect both at her school here and new job beginnings. Now shows respectfulness of others, considering property and still understanding needs of self and others with genuine sympathy where it counts. Happy to continue learning an even bigger plus. We thank Beaconhills for all their fantasic efforts as we start to see some awsum results in our nearly there young adult. The big thanks is for putting fun into learning and enjoying every phase of their lives and those around them and encouraging care with each other and their own familites.Our daughter is still in touch with a few students still attending. These friendship bases have been so special we hope to see them remain close for many years to come. Huge thanks to all staff we still think of you all to this day.
By Parent - 24 Aug 2007, Rate: excellent
Beaconhills College is an outstanding school that delivers all that it promises and stands well above the rest.
I'm , rate this school

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