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School Ranking
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ICSEA School Ranking
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
Public Selective Schools
University Ranking
Valley View Secondary School, Para VistaCompare
School Facts
School sector:Government
School type:Secondary school
Total student:463 (boy:223, girl:240)
Total staff:37
Student attendance:
None-english student:
ICSEA value:
933, ranks No.642 More ICSEA Ranking...
Location:Para Vista
Address:240 Wright Rd Para Vista SA 5093
Nearby:House Price  House Rent  Public Transport
Phone:08 8360 6111
School zone:Download School Zone(Catchment Areas/Local Intake Area) file

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School Comment
Valley View Secondary School is a small, exclusive school focusing on every student's needs by personalising learning and tailoring programs to meet individual learning styles. Core and option subjects from Years 8-10 lead to three unique senior school pat... more
Student Assessment
Year 9543491543531547175
Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011.
By Student - 22 Oct 2022, Rate: average
Here's a genuine review, take notes. Just don't note this; I'm not a critic. Just an 8th grader giving an extensive opinion.
This school isn't necessarily bad, it just generally depends on your needs, how well you adapt to environments, etc, etc, because generally that's how I would do it, and as such, my opinion may be different compared to what others may think.
As stated in other reviews, yes, there's lots of kids doing drugs, there's a lot of fighting and quite a bit of harassment, and hence, it could be a bad influence, but as such, this would be expected for a suburban public school. They do have a "zero tolerance policy" against violence, however, sometimes it can be a bit biased depending on the evidence given, or just in general. Most of the time, it's served correctly, though.
Student life, to be honest, they give a damn. During all seasons, especially winter, they make at least one of their buildings open during breaks, and open it even before the first period begins. They've been able to make their student counselling services pretty open, and have invested in more care workers, which is generally saying that they care about their students.
Now be prepared for the the downfall; the canteen. The canteen has got to be the most unhealthiest food that could have ever struck this planet on. By far, the only thing that you could remotely get without potential weight gain, is the water bottles, and all the prices (including water) have at least a 300% (or less) inflation rate. Otherwise, the food is just meat, carbs, burgers and chips. Maybe that's just the Australian standard, or it's just me.
The teachers and learning environment is mostly a play area for 9th graders and below, and I don't need to look around to know that. The teachers are helpful though, and provide extensive feedback on almost any and all assignments you do. They are precisely clear on how you can get an A, B or a C, and even provide feedback on how to get the next grade up (or to continue getting an A) on every end-of-semester report card.
To summarize, the surrounding students mostly commit to fight, a small percentage do (or have done) drugs, or involve themselves in harassment to other students. The student environment is outstanding, providing heating and shelter to students almost any time of the day, and an extensive library. Mental health/counselling services are above average, and evidently improving. Canteen is absolutely appalling, nothing good about it with inflated prices and extremely unhealthy food, and the learning area is mostly a playground if you're below 9th grade.
By Student - 29 Jun 2021, Rate: average
princible can be rude, but the school is okay. lots of kids doing drugs, fights, bullying. class time is generally a play zone although im in grade 9 so it could be different for other year levels. Lots of support for wellbeing available here, along with sports and extra curricular activities. uniform policy is overly strict for a public school.
By Parent - 08 Jul 2018, Rate: excellent
my homestay student rated the school as low grade you do what you like in class but this is from boy out of 10 I would only give a 4 so he is at the right school this school needs to learn there are 2 sides to a story
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