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| School Comment | Established 92 years ago, St George Girls High School is an academically selective school for girls. Situated within walking distance of Kogarah railway station the school attracts students from all areas of Sydney. Recognised for the academic excellence a... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 7 | 641 | 648 | 661 | 655 | 696 | 12 | Year 9 | 681 | 698 | 706 | 690 | 745 | 8 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Reviews | By Parent - 20 Jul 2023, Rate: excellent | Great school | | By Student - 17 Apr 2023, Rate: poor | i don't like this school, we get given boatloads of homework almost every single day. a teacher walked out on my class once, and there were still 10 minutes left of class. we get homework for the HOLIDAYS and i'm only in year 7. if this is how much homework we get in year 7, i can't imagine how much homework we'll get in year 8 and above. | | By Alumnus - 15 Dec 2022, Rate: average | I don't know what's happened since I graduated. I know lots of the teachers have left to better schools, and it seems that administration has done nothing to keep their good teachers or hire new, competent ones. Romeo has regrettable priorities, as outlined by the review posted 21 June 2022 (do explain why exactly there has been a uniform change when the money could have gone to better things?). When the school performs badly, the students from the yr 7 intake cohort try to leave and leave successfully (many of whom are academically strong), and as seen in the school's recent performance, for good reason. | | >>More reviews... |
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