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| School Comment | Stonnington Primary School is committed to providing challenging learning opportunities for all students through improved teaching and learning in order to maximise achievements. An inquiry approach encourages students to take initiative, accept responsibi... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 423 | 420 | 422 | 438 | 409 | 765 | Year 5 | 478 | 474 | 494 | 466 | 454 | 1274 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Reviews | By Parent - 11 Jun 2023, Rate: excellent | My children thrive in WPS. They built up a positive growth mind. Our family love the school values and the caring staff. WPS is always supportive and responsive.They know all the children well. WPS do an excellent job in culture diversity and supporting children with different need. I can see the improvement for my son and his friends in all area during the past three years.The overall academic results may not be out standard as WPS is an inclusive school. They accept different and willing to support each child,even they are disable,learning difficulties or new to Australia.They really care about the kids. Their teaching are amazing and focus on skill children need through life, to deal with conflict, attitudes for facing challenges and emotion maturity. My kids tell me there was no naughty child in their school,but might have someone need help.We need to respect and help each other.They are always positive and happy. WPS is a small community we know each other. The atmosphere is warm and positive. Now, the new building coming soon.The new environment is nice.We love WPS a lot. | | By Alumnus - 06 Apr 2023, Rate: excellent | I attended Windsor primary for 3 years, and now go to Prahran High. Windsor gave me the best education, and I made many friends I know I'll be friends with forever. I was lucky to be involved in the choir, the band, was a house captain and part of the green team, where I learnt alot about growing veggies and looking after the environment. | | By Parent - 06 Apr 2023, Rate: excellent | Windsor is a wonderful school, with a strong community, which is truly reflective of the real world around us - full of diversity of cultures which are celebrated. In additon to excellent teachers, the school offers great programs across sports, arts, language, and provides leadership opportunities for the children to grown in confidence for skills they will need through life. I highly recommend Windsor primary, | | >>More reviews... |
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