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School Ranking
High School Ranking
Public High School Ranking
Private High School Ranking
ICSEA School Ranking
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
Public Selective Schools
University Ranking
Mercy Catholic College, ChatswoodCompare
School Facts
School sector:Non-government
School type:Secondary school
Gender:Single Sex-Girl
Total student:451 (boy:0, girl:451)
Total staff:42
Student attendance:
None-english student:
ICSEA value:
1139, ranks No.277 More ICSEA Ranking...
ICSEA distribution:
Bottom quarterMiddle quartersTop quarter
HSC rank:No.71 (2015), No.115 (2014), No.94 (2013), No.161 (2012), No.171 (2011), No.360 (2010), No.93 (2009), No.53 (2008)
Address:101 Archer Street Chatswood 2067
Nearby:House Price  House Rent  Public Transport
Phone:02 9419 2890

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School Comment
Mercy Catholic College Chatswood is located in the Broken Bay Diocese on Sydney's lower North Shore in the central business district of Chatswood. Given that the College is located in a major transport hub, it increasingly draws students from a wide range ... more
Student Assessment
Year 757358658258357786
Year 9608628625607602108
Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011.
By Student - 21 May 2023, Rate: bad
I have been at this school since the late 2010s and can safely say that the quality has completely degraded over the years. The schools accepting far too many girls then the grounds can handle, (The old principal told my mum in 2014 when my family first started at the school that she would cap the amount of girls per year group at 110 to compensate for the small campus) my year group had nearly 150 girl in it at the start of year 7. There are almost 800 girls and 20 bathrooms total, 35 classrooms, and no more space than 10000 square meters which is far too small. It is evident that the school is focused entirely on maintaining image and relationship with the church, all while there is extreme bullying, poor conditions and academic degeneration. There is mould on the floors and ceiling of many classroom, asbestos in some, the bathrooms are absolutely disgusting with faeces, used hygiene products and toilet paper on the walls and floors (which would not be the case is the school provided more than 20 bathroom stalls for 800 teenage girls to share).
The school continues to loose so many great and educated teachers because of bad pay, terrible conditions and the new principals dictating attitude. And in replacement they have hired university students, creeps and retirees to teach the HSC year 12 students. Last year, a teacher made a girl stand infant of the class while her peer read out thing they don't like about her until the point where she cried - and this is not a one-off thing.
As you get into the senior years the school become increasing disinterested in your experience. In year 7 they are very attentive and put up a facade of a good and clean school by giving year 7s lots of privileges and their own space during recess and lunch. However, as soon as you hit year 10, they do not care at all. The library during my free period will have more than 100 girls in it (the library only has about 70 seats) and the principal refuses to allow student to sit outside in the empty playground. Many rules feel like they are just in place to show the student that the staff can do what ever they want just because they feel like it (for example even if you only have first period classes thy make you stay until after third period just because they can - an extra 2.5 hours of no classes, just sitting in the cramped library with no wifi).
The upper management feel as if the students (particularly year 11 and twelve) have no entitlement to receiving anything from the school besides their education. Which shows that the school have absolutely no regard for your experience there and you are seen as a burden to the teachers as soon ad you hit the senior years.
Do not send your daughter here. Believe me, I am not a trouble student, I do well in my classes and rarely get into trouble; this school is absolute trash but you won't realise it until you have been there for a while and get left behind. This school has completely spoilt my high school experience and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy, the majority of people in my year group feel the exact same - this opinion is pretty standard throughout the whole student body.
Also Id like to give a shout-out to Elizabeth Kayrooz and Brenda Timp for being the absolute worst people to ever grace the earth and making it your single most important goal to harass, bully and humiliate students as often as you can. It is evident that neither of you have any respect for other peoples children and I suggest that if you cannot find it within yourselves to garner a scrap of humility and show an ounce of kindness to a student just once, that you retire or work in a field that does not involve kids as you Cleary hate working with teenagers so much.
I cannot wait to leave this school - going there everyday is hell and is single handedly the reason I am on anti-depressants.
I wouldn't be surprised if the school found this review and held an assembly trying to find out who wrote it- as they would hate to have the truth get out.
By Student - 16 Aug 2021, Rate: good
Can I just say that all teenage girls are going to cause drama at least once in your school life, and there will be bullying at any school you go to. I absolutely love Mercy, they're such a loving community and did so much for year 7 to help us settle in by holding a morning tea and games for us. Quite a few reports have said that the Maths teacher is a perv, fortunately I don't have him this year but some of my friends do, and he has been reported. Apparently. It's horrible that some people have had a bad experience at Mercy, but I personally have very invested and amazing teachers who actually care. Chatswood Chase is just down the road and the girls always go get food and drinks from there before and after school. Plenty of travel options to get to and from Chatswood, not isolated and in a safe community. Yes, some girls are nasty, but you get nasty girls at all schools
By Student - 08 Dec 2020, Rate: good
its good and everyone who trashes the facilities its because the students don't try to keep them clean. also the teachers (even though there IS a pedo teacher, which sadly i have this year) i still learn quite a lot. the school is quite small but I feel like its better because its easier to make friends with and having tighter knit community. probably best not to send your daughter her if they already have trouble fitting in as it can sometimes be a little bit hard to fit in.
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