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School Ranking
High School Ranking
Public High School Ranking
Private High School Ranking
ICSEA School Ranking
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 3
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 5
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 7
2011 NAPLAN Ranking of Year 9
Public Selective Schools
University Ranking
Sacre Coeur, Glen IrisCompare
School Facts
School sector:Non-government
School type:Combined school
Gender:Single Sex-Girl
Total student:722 (boy:0, girl:722)
Total staff:86
Student attendance:
None-english student:
ICSEA value:
1177, ranks No.75 More ICSEA Ranking...
ICSEA distribution:
Bottom quarterMiddle quartersTop quarter
VCE rank:No.27 (2015), No.27 (2014), No.7 (2013), No.16 (2012), No.15 (2011), No.14 (2010)
Location:Glen Iris
Address:172 Burke Road Glen Iris VIC 3146
Nearby:House Price  House Rent  Public Transport

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School Comment
Sacr? Coeur is a Catholic Independent School for girls from Prep to 12 founded by the French Society of the Sacred Heart (rscJ) in 1888.The five Goals of Sacred Heart Education are fundamental to the school. We are deeply concerned for each student's total... more
Student Assessment
Year 349644847248742898
Year 554855853655552364
Year 759259157059056852
Year 964165963463962024
Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011.
Tuition Fees in 2012
Year LevelPer Year
Year 1$6,788
Year 2$6,788
Year 3$8,087
Year 4$9,936
Year 5$13,758
Year 6$13,758
Year 7$15,859
Year 8$15,859
Year 9$17,387
Year 10$17,387
Year 11$18,371
Year 12$18,371
By Parent - 14 Apr 2015, Rate: poor
I am a parent and my daughter is the senior school. Honestly I think that the school is not paying attention to what the parents want for their daughters. They are too focussed on academic outcomes and not enough on a well rounded individual. The pressure my daughter was under in yr 7 was immense and yet the schools attitude was that it was somehow her fault. There are some serious issues with her year group that the school has failed to address. I feel that I'm not being heard and it is very much " my way or the highway" they forget that the parents pay their wages!! the school is too concerned with petty rules wearing the right coloured hair ribbons etc. and as for Christian values forget it. I've seen more compassion in non denominational schools than Sac. We are looking to leave this year.
By Parent - 10 Jun 2014, Rate: excellent
Class sizes aren't too big or small which means the correct amount of attention is paid to each student. It also allows closer bonds to form among teachers & students. Love this school & know it is guiding my daughter in the right direction!
By Student - 08 Jun 2014, Rate: excellent
Sacre Coeur is an all round excellent school. It focuses not only on academics, but all areas of school life, which is why I love it. There is also such a high standard of punctuality from students and teacher. Care for student well being is also outstanding :)!
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