Lower Plenty Median PriceThe House price is 5% higher than last year. Search Lower Plenty sold pricesLower Plenty Median RentThe House rent is 44% higher than last year.
| School Comment | Lower Plenty Primary School is located in the City of Banyule at the junction of the Plenty and Yarra Rivers. The current enrolment of 103 is incorporated into 4 grades. The school community is committed to providing a stimulating and positive environment ... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 485 | 452 | 470 | 518 | 484 | 36 | Year 5 | 549 | 464 | 528 | 526 | 535 | 312 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Reviews | By Parent - 23 Dec 2019, Rate: bad | We once loved this little school for its strong community spirit and enthusiastic educators that were led by a strong principal. Unfortunately he retired, and the current appointed principal has broken the spirit of the school. Poorly led, behavioural issues that are rewarded, and well behaved students are left behind. The principal has a sarcastic attitude and he has little knowledge of how a community works. Student numbers have dropped considerably since his appointment. | | By Student - 16 Dec 2019, Rate: average | The school was amazing before our principal retired at the end of 2017. Now we (grades 5 and 6’s) are being taught stuff way below our age level, like telling the time, and simple fractions. I do not believe I have learnt anything at school this year with my teacher, which is a shame. Everything I have learnt is from online apps at home (Khan Academy and IXL). My sibling says that they don’t learn much in the 3/4 area either. The teachers aren’t mean, and they don’t hold grudges. The specialists teachers are great, and everyone enjoys their subjects, and they’re open to everyone. I think the thing that keeps the students wanting to go to this school, is their close friendships. The students know how to behave in the playground, and I rarely see a kid alone. The older students are so caring to their little buddies, it’s lovely. | | By Parent - 10 Feb 2017, Rate: excellent | School is not as good as it seems, certainly not above state average results as it does not reflect on individual maths is taught ok but certainly not english they place alot of emphasis on reading comprehension yet with no strategies on how to bring there levels up. Teacher is a Mr Know it All. | | >>More reviews... |
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