Mount Nelson Median PriceThe House price is 7% higher than last year. Search Mount Nelson sold pricesMount Nelson Median RentThe Unit rent is 8% higher than last year.
| School Comment | Founded in 1963, the school is set in beautiful surroundings with breathtaking views of the Derwent River. Our unique location in a natural setting fosters our connectedness to the environment, providing a foundation for innovative learning programs and st... more |
Student Assessment | | Reading | Writing | Spelling | Grammar | Numeracy | Rank | Year 3 | 534 | 467 | 490 | 522 | 491 | 1 | Year 5 | 545 | 471 | 488 | 525 | 521 | 24 |
| Student assessment is based on he National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) results in 2011. |
Reviews | By Student - 28 Dec 2022, Rate: bad | I went here from k-6, and they didn't even pick up that i have a SLD. They do not care about the kids. and stuff mrs heally. I think so left this year tho. | | By Parent - 16 Dec 2021, Rate: excellent | This is the best school in Australia! | |
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