Bellfield Median RentThe House rent is 5% lower than last year. Surrounding suburbs | Floorplan | Map | Nearby rentals | Property Description: | The backyard is west facing. The slope of land is Gently Inclined, and frontage is about 16.2 metres. More about the land block... Bellfield Convenience This conveniently positioned family home features three spacious bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen with meals area and laundry, the home also boasts polished timber floors, neutral toning's, air conditioning, ducted heating, garage, plus easy access to Austin Hospital, central Ivanhoe, Northland shopping centre and public transport. For further information, please contact Estelle Riley at | Planning History: | | [13 Aug 2017] Construction of two (2) dwellings. | Property's zone, overlay, easement and land measurement | Search neighbour's planning permit | Property report from Government |
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