Windsor Gardens Median RentThe House rent is 12% higher than last year. Surrounding suburbs | A3/3 Kiltie Avenue, Windsor Gardens | Rent $265 in Aug 2012 | Sold $250,000 in Apr 2016 | Apartment: 2 1 2 | Land size: 216 sqm | Building size: 80 sqm | Agent: Brock Harcourts - Collinswood (RLA 2215) | Distance: 9.6 km to CBD; 8.1 km to Kilburn Station [Transport] |
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Floorplan | Map | Nearby rentals | Property Description: | This two bedroom unit has so much to offer: - Two very generous size bedrooms, one with a freestanding cupboard - Separate area/room to use as a study, second living or dining - Large double carport with roller door security - Automatic gate to complex for extra security - Ducted reverse cycle heating/cooling - Seperate laundry Be quick to secure this one as it won't last long! For a full list of our available rental properties and open times or to apply for this property online please visit | Search neighbour's planning permit |
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