Mitcham Median PriceThe House price is 6% higher than last year. Surrounding suburbsMitcham Median RentThe House rent is 15% higher than last year.
| Sales Data | Municipality | | Whitehorse | Number of houses/units | | 5802 / 3089 | Houses/units sales last 12 months | | 265 / 75 (turnover 3.82% ranks No.424 more...) | Highest price last 12 months | | $7,700,000 |
Features | 1. Home median price ranks No.264 among 1293 suburbs of Victoria. More price ranking... | 2. Home median rent ranks No.235 among 1293 suburbs of Victoria. More rent ranking... | 3. People from China(2%) like to live in this suburb. | 4. People from New Zealand(2%) like to live in this suburb. | 5. There are more Separate house(81%) in this suburb. | 6. Many houses in this suburb are Fully Owned(47%). | 7. The percentage of age 60+ people(18%) is high. | 8. The percentage of age 5 to 19 people(17%) is high. | 9. The percentage of Australian native-born(76%) is high. | 10. Many houses in this suburb are Purchasing(28%). | 11. Many people in this suburb are Professionals(10%). |
Demographics | PopulationSize | Mitcham | Melbourne | All People | 14482 | 3366613 | Country of Origin | Mitcham | Melbourne | Australian Born | 76% | 65% | Born Overseas - Top 5 | Mitcham | Melbourne | United Kingdom | 5% | 5% | Italy | 2% | 2% | Viet Nam | 2% | 2% | China | 2% | 1% | New Zealand | 2% | 1% | Median household income | Mitcham | Melbourne | Weekly income | $1,424 | $1,333 | Age Statistics | Mitcham | Melbourne | 20 to 39 | 32% | 33% | 40 to 59 | 25% | 28% | 60+ | 18% | 17% | 5 to 19 | 17% | 14% | 0 to 4 | 7% | 7% | Family Statistics - Top 5 | Mitcham | Melbourne | Married | 52% | 51% | Never Married | 31% | 33% | Divorced | 7% | 7% | Widowed | 6% | 6% | Separated | 3% | 3% | Religion - Top 5 | Mitcham | Melbourne | Catholic | 29% | 33% | No Religion | 23% | 19% | Anglican | 16% | 16% | Uniting Church | 8% | 5% | Baptist | 4% | 2% | Occupation - Top 5 | Mitcham | Melbourne | Professionals | 10% | 8% | Intermediate Clerical/Sales/Service | 8% | 7% | Associate Professional | 6% | 5% | Tradespersons and Related Workers | 6% | 6% | Elementary Clerical/Sales/Service | 4% | 4% | Education - Top 5 | Mitcham | Melbourne | Not Attending (Working) | 76% | 73% | Infants/Primary | 8% | 9% | Secondary Education | 6% | 7% | University or other Tertiary Institution | 5% | 5% | Technical or Further Education | 3% | 3% | Transport to Work - Top 5 | Mitcham | Melbourne | Car (driver) | 29% | 28% | Train Only | 5% | 2% | Car (passenger) | 2% | 3% | Train & Other | 2% | 1% | Worked at home | 2% | 2% | Type of Dwelling - Top 3 | Mitcham | Melbourne | Separate house | 81% | 74% | Semi/Terrace | 10% | 8% | Flat | 5% | 14% | Nature of Occupancy - Top 3 | Mitcham | Melbourne | Fully Owned | 47% | 43% | Purchasing | 28% | 27% | Rented | 20% | 24% | Monthly Loan Repayment - Top 5 | Mitcham | Melbourne | $800-$999 | 22% | 19% | $600-$799 | 18% | 21% | $400-$599 | 16% | 16% |
Crime Rate in 2014 | Crime Type | Rate of Whitehorse | Rate of VIC | Crimes against the person | 612 | 1,164 | Drug offences | 177 | 452 | Justice procedures offences | 360 | 902 | Other offences | 13 | 32 | Property and deception offence | 3,143 | 4,624 | Public offences | 191 | 630 | Total | 4,496 | 7,804 |
| Note: Mitcham belongs to city Whitehorse. Crime rate means the number crimes per 100,000 population. |
Top 5 Realestate Agent | | Note: The percentage of property sales in Mitcham is based on the sold records in recent two years. |
User Review | 02 Jul 2012 | The Lilydale/Belgrave line (west of Ringwood) is probably the best railway line in Melbourne. The stations between Box Hill and Ringwood enjoy frequent, express services during peak hours. It has also received the highest satisfaction ratings in a recent passenger survey. | | 29 Jan 2015 | The Belgrave/Lilydale line is great! Good buses too. So close to all the major shopping centres. Good local festivals and close to wineries. Great people - safe feeling. I have a feeling that this 'burb is about to boom soon | | |
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