Linden Park Median PriceThe House price is 32% higher than last year. Surrounding suburbsBeaumont | $1,945,900 | Hazelwood Park | $1,675,800 | St Georges | $1,879,800 | Toorak Gardens | $1,859,200 | Tusmore | $2,110,700 | Linden Park Median RentThe House rent is 13% higher than last year.
| Sales Data | Municipality | | Burnside | Number of houses/units | | 755 / 378 | Houses/units sales last 12 months | | 35 / 17 (turnover 4.59% ranks No.79 more...) | Highest price last 12 months | | $1,600,000 |
Features | 1. Home median price ranks No.36 among 747 suburbs of South Australia. More price ranking... | 2. Home median rent ranks No.37 among 747 suburbs of South Australia. More rent ranking... | 3. Top primary school Linden Park Primary School is in this suburb. More top schools... | 4. Many houses in this suburb are Fully Owned(46%). | 5. People from Malaysia(1%) like to live in this suburb. | 6. The percentage of age 5 to 19 people(18%) is high. | 7. The percentage of age 60+ people(25%) is high. | 8. People are well-educated (University or Tertiary education 8%). | 9. The percentage of Australian native-born(80%) is high. | 10. There are more Flat(25%) in this suburb. | 11. Many people in this suburb are Professionals(16%). |
Demographics | PopulationSize | Linden Park | Adelaide | All People | 9931 | 1072882 | Country of Origin | Linden Park | Adelaide | Australian Born | 80% | 72% | Born Overseas - Top 5 | Linden Park | Adelaide | United Kingdom | 7% | 9% | Italy | 1% | 2% | Malaysia | 1% | 0% | New Zealand | 1% | 1% | Germany | 1% | 1% | Median household income | Linden Park | Adelaide | Weekly income | $1,259 | $1,388 | Age Statistics | Linden Park | Adelaide | 40 to 59 | 29% | 29% | 60+ | 25% | 20% | 20 to 39 | 24% | 30% | 5 to 19 | 18% | 14% | 0 to 4 | 4% | 6% | Family Statistics - Top 5 | Linden Park | Adelaide | Married | 49% | 50% | Never Married | 30% | 31% | Widowed | 11% | 7% | Divorced | 8% | 8% | Separated | 2% | 3% | Religion - Top 5 | Linden Park | Adelaide | Catholic | 24% | 26% | Anglican | 23% | 18% | No Religion | 22% | 23% | Uniting Church | 13% | 11% | Orthodox | 4% | 4% | Occupation - Top 5 | Linden Park | Adelaide | Professionals | 16% | 8% | Intermediate Clerical/Sales/Service | 7% | 7% | Associate Professional | 6% | 5% | Managers and Administrators | 5% | 3% | Elementary Clerical/Sales/Service | 3% | 4% | Education - Top 5 | Linden Park | Adelaide | Not Attending (Working) | 73% | 74% | Infants/Primary | 9% | 10% | University or other Tertiary Institution | 8% | 4% | Secondary Education | 6% | 6% | Technical or Further Education | 2% | 3% | Transport to Work - Top 5 | Linden Park | Adelaide | Car (driver) | 28% | 27% | Car (passenger) | 2% | 3% | Bus Only | 2% | 2% | Worked at home | 2% | 1% | Walked | 1% | 1% | Type of Dwelling - Top 3 | Linden Park | Adelaide | Separate house | 61% | 74% | Flat | 25% | 11% | Semi/Terrace | 13% | 13% | Nature of Occupancy - Top 3 | Linden Park | Adelaide | Fully Owned | 46% | 39% | Rented | 27% | 27% | Purchasing | 19% | 28% | Monthly Loan Repayment - Top 5 | Linden Park | Adelaide | $1,500+ | 20% | 5% | $200-$399 | 14% | 12% | $600-$799 | 12% | 25% |
Top 5 Realestate Agent | | Note: The percentage of property sales in Linden Park is based on the sold records in recent two years. |
User Review | By Sam Andr - 18 Jul 2015 | Linden Park is close to the city. The suburb has pleasant greenery, but there are too many unwelcoming high fences, reflecting an area that is not warm and friendly. A friend of ours bought a beautiful home in the area to access the local primary school. She has since found out she can't enrol her son at the primary school as they aren't taking new students beyond reception anymore. I totally understand as the school is very crowded (well over 1000 students). No school can cope with that on such a small block. I really feel for the students that attend there. At least they split lunch times into shifts to reduce the burden. The area has access to Glenunga High School, a very good high school. We preferred Maryattville High, but Glenunga is our second choice. The academic performance of both schools is excellent, but, the community focus and music programs at Maryattville were outstanding. Academic performance is only part of what we look for to nurture our kids. Good luck in your research. Sam. | | |
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