Seacliff Park Median PriceThe House price is 34% higher than last year. Surrounding suburbsSeacliff Park Median RentThe House rent is 10% higher than last year.
| Sales Data | Municipality | | Holdfast Bay | Number of houses/units | | 977 / 280 | Houses/units sales last 12 months | | 54 / 13 (turnover 5.33% ranks No.31 more...) | Highest price last 12 months | | $1,075,000 |
Features | 1. Home median price ranks No.149 among 749 suburbs of South Australia. More price ranking... | 2. Home median rent ranks No.120 among 749 suburbs of South Australia. More rent ranking... | 3. Many houses in this suburb are Fully Owned(53%). | 4. The percentage of age 5 to 19 people(18%) is high. | 5. The percentage of age 60+ people(21%) is high. | 6. There are more Separate house(85%) in this suburb. | 7. People from United Kingdom(11%) like to live in this suburb. | 8. People are well-educated (University or Tertiary education 5%). | 9. The percentage of Australian native-born(76%) is high. | 10. People from Germany(2%) like to live in this suburb. | 11. Many people in this suburb are Professionals(11%). |
Demographics | PopulationSize | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | All People | 8987 | 1072882 | Country of Origin | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Australian Born | 76% | 72% | Born Overseas - Top 5 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | United Kingdom | 11% | 9% | Germany | 2% | 1% | New Zealand | 1% | 1% | Italy | 1% | 2% | Netherlands | 1% | 1% | Median household income | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Weekly income | $1,330 | $1,388 | Age Statistics | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | 40 to 59 | 31% | 29% | 20 to 39 | 25% | 30% | 60+ | 21% | 20% | 5 to 19 | 18% | 14% | 0 to 4 | 4% | 6% | Family Statistics - Top 5 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Married | 54% | 50% | Never Married | 29% | 31% | Divorced | 9% | 8% | Widowed | 6% | 7% | Separated | 3% | 3% | Religion - Top 5 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Catholic | 25% | 26% | No Religion | 24% | 23% | Anglican | 21% | 18% | Uniting Church | 13% | 11% | Lutheran | 4% | 4% | Occupation - Top 5 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Professionals | 11% | 8% | Intermediate Clerical/Sales/Service | 9% | 7% | Associate Professional | 6% | 5% | Tradespersons and Related Workers | 5% | 5% | Elementary Clerical/Sales/Service | 5% | 4% | Education - Top 5 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Not Attending (Working) | 76% | 74% | Infants/Primary | 8% | 10% | Secondary Education | 7% | 6% | University or other Tertiary Institution | 5% | 4% | Technical or Further Education | 3% | 3% | Transport to Work - Top 5 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Car (driver) | 31% | 27% | Train Only | 3% | 0% | Car (passenger) | 2% | 3% | Worked at home | 2% | 1% | Bus Only | 1% | 2% | Type of Dwelling - Top 3 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Separate house | 85% | 74% | Flat | 10% | 11% | Semi/Terrace | 3% | 13% | Nature of Occupancy - Top 3 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | Fully Owned | 53% | 39% | Purchasing | 27% | 28% | Rented | 16% | 27% | Monthly Loan Repayment - Top 5 | Seacliff Park | Adelaide | $400-$599 | 22% | 23% | $800-$999 | 19% | 16% | $600-$799 | 19% | 25% |
Top 5 Realestate Agent | | Note: The percentage of property sales in Seacliff Park is based on the sold records in recent two years. |
User Review | By JSlKtJetbvHVjtP - 27 Jun 2013 | That\'s really shewrd! Good to see the logic set out so well. | | |
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