Orchard Hills Median PriceThe House price is 8% lower than last year. Surrounding suburbsOrchard Hills Median RentHouse | $1,166 |
| Sales Data | Municipality | | Penrith | Number of houses/units | | 702 / 21 | Houses/units sales last 12 months | | 1 / 0 (turnover 0.14% ranks No.2384 more...) | Highest price last 12 months | | $2,200,000 |
Crime Rate in 2014 | Crime Type | Rate of Penrith | Rate of NSW | Assault | 1,111 | 869 | Damage | 1,235 | 946 | Robbery | 78 | 49 | Sexual offences | 201 | 154 | Theft | 3,678 | 3,306 | Total | 6,303 | 5,324 |
| Note: Orchard Hills belongs to city Penrith. Crime rate means the number crimes per 100,000 population. |
Top 5 Realestate Agent | | Note: The percentage of property sales in Orchard Hills is based on the sold records in recent two years. |
User Review | By prema ram - 05 Dec 2015 | premkarwa56@gmail.com | | |
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