Clayton South Median PriceThe House price is 2% higher than last year. Surrounding suburbs | Map | Nearby prices | Property Description: | The backyard is north facing. The slope of land is Nearly Level, and frontage is about 15.2 metres. More about the land block... Lot/Plan No: CM1/PS802414 | Planning History: | | [26 Feb 2015] Develop the land for the construction of three (3) double storey dwellings | | [26 Jul 2016] Subdivide the Land into Three (3) Lots | | [26 Jul 2016] Subdivide the Land into Three (3) Lots | | [28 Jul 2016] To subdivide the land into three (3) lots, with each lot to contain one (1) new dwelling. | Search neighbour's planning permit | Property report from Government |
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