Milsons Point 平均房价Unit 价格比去年下降22% . 搜索 Milsons Point 地区房价Milsons Point 租金均价House租金比去年上升8% .
| St Aloysius College, Milsons Point | | 对比 |
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学校简介 | Founded in 1879, St Aloysius is a Jesuit school for boys with almost 1200 students from Years 3-12. As a Catholic school, the College seeks to form young men of competence, conscience and compassion to prepare them to go into the world to act with a faith ... 更多 |
学生成绩 | | 阅读 | 写作 | 拼写 | 语法 | 数学 | 排名 | 3年级 | 518 | 479 | 492 | 537 | 504 | 6 | 5年级 | 593 | 547 | 556 | 597 | 591 | 12 | 7年级 | 634 | 590 | 616 | 623 | 659 | 22 | 9年级 | 668 | 667 | 658 | 665 | 703 | 22 |
| 学生成绩基于2011年National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN)结果. |
2012年学费 | 年级 | 每年学费 | 3年级 | $11,664 | 4年级 | $11,664 | 5年级 | $11,664 | 6年级 | $11,664 | 7年级 | $13,576 | 8年级 | $13,576 | 9年级 | $13,576 | 10年级 | $13,576 | 11年级 | $13,576 | 12年级 | $27,152 |
评论 | By Alumnus - 2019年09月25日, 评价: 优秀 | As an Old-boy who graduated just over 10 years old ago, I can confirm this an excellent school, where one is challenged to achieve far more just a high-as-possible ATAR on leaving. Whilst my last 3 or so years of high school were more challenging due to an undiagnosed medical problem, I never once doubted that teachers could and would go the extra mile if needed, and you could alway lend an ear from fellow students/chaplain or even the principal, if needed. Advice to prospective students and parents: -Take every opportunity to consolidate your academic interests in your earlier high-school years - Find and pursue your interests & strengths in the subjects you choose yourself -Push the boundaries, ask to be challenged if you want to be -If you need help or support with an issue, just ask! There's no value in struggling in silence -Maintain your mates and networks years after leaving. Ive never met an old-boy who isn't interested in talking about what they've been up to since leaving the college | | By Parent - 2015年03月11日, 评价: 优秀 | This is an excellent school | | By Parent - 2014年07月06日, 评价: 很差 | Max van deventer is a shit cunt and a dumbass | |
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