Springvale 平均房价Unit 价格比去年上升16% . 周边地区Springvale 租金均价House租金比去年上升15% .
| 销售数据 | 所属市 | | Greater Dandenong | 住房总数(House/Unit) | | 6280 / 4315 | 最近12个月销售(House/unit) | | 214 / 42 (房子换手率2.42%, 排名 No.927 更多...) | 最近12个月最高价 | | $11,000,000 |
地区特点 | 1. 平均房价在VIC排名No.506. 更多房价排名... | 2. 平均租金在VIC排名No.270. 更多租金排名... | 3. 本区有优秀中学Keysborough SC - Springvale. 更多优秀学校... | 4. 来自意大利(3%)的人喜欢居住在本区. | 5. 来自中国(3%)的人喜欢居住在本区. | 6. Many houses in this suburb are Fully Owned(46%). | 7. There are more Separate house(78%) in this suburb. | 8. Many houses in this suburb are Rented(29%). | 9. 来自希腊(3%)的人喜欢居住在本区. | 10. The percentage of age 60+ people(19%) is high. | 11. 来自新西兰(2%)的人喜欢居住在本区. | 12. 来自越南(23%)的人喜欢居住在本区. | 13. The percentage of age 5 to 19 people(19%) is high. |
人口分布 | 人口总数 | Springvale | Melbourne | 人口 | 18147 | 3366613 | 出生国家 | Springvale | Melbourne | 澳洲 | 36% | 65% | 海外出生 - 前5位 | Springvale | Melbourne | 越南 | 23% | 2% | 中国 | 3% | 1% | 希腊 | 3% | 2% | 意大利 | 3% | 2% | 新西兰 | 2% | 1% | 平均家庭收入 | Springvale | Melbourne | 周薪 | $884 | $1,333 | 年龄统计 | Springvale | Melbourne | 20 to 39 | 31% | 33% | 40 to 59 | 25% | 28% | 60+ | 19% | 17% | 5 to 19 | 19% | 14% | 0 to 4 | 7% | 7% | 家庭统计 - 前5位 | Springvale | Melbourne | 已婚 | 50% | 51% | 单身 | 32% | 33% | 丧偶 | 7% | 6% | 离婚 | 7% | 7% | 分居 | 4% | 3% | 宗教 - 前5位 | Springvale | Melbourne | 佛教 | 31% | 4% | 天主教 | 28% | 33% | 无宗教 | 12% | 19% | 东正教 | 7% | 7% | 英国国教 | 6% | 16% | 职业 - 前5位 | Springvale | Melbourne | Intermediate Production and Transport | 7% | 4% | Labourers and Related Workers | 6% | 3% | 技工 | 6% | 6% | 中等 文员/销售/服务员 | 4% | 7% | 初级 文员/销售/服务员 | 3% | 4% | 教育 - 前5位 | Springvale | Melbourne | 在职 | 76% | 73% | 婴儿/小学 | 8% | 9% | 中学 | 7% | 7% | 本科或大专 | 4% | 5% | 职中 | 3% | 3% | 上班交通工具 - 前5位 | Springvale | Melbourne | 开车(司机) | 21% | 28% | 开车(乘客) | 3% | 3% | 火车 | 2% | 2% | 在家办公 | 2% | 2% | 步行 | 1% | 1% | 住房类型 - 前3位 | Springvale | Melbourne | 别墅 | 78% | 74% | 公寓 | 14% | 14% | 连排别墅 | 4% | 8% | 房屋所属 - 前3位 | Springvale | Melbourne | 自主产权 | 46% | 43% | 租房 | 29% | 24% | 正在购买 | 17% | 27% | 每月供房 - 前5位 | Springvale | Melbourne | $600-$799 | 27% | 21% | $400-$599 | 24% | 16% | $800-$999 | 15% | 19% |
2014年罪案率 | 犯罪类型 | Greater Dandenong罪案率 | VIC罪案率 | Crimes against the person | 1,857 | 1,164 | Drug offences | 733 | 452 | Justice procedures offences | 1,623 | 902 | Other offences | 52 | 32 | Property and deception offence | 5,430 | 4,624 | Public offences | 975 | 630 | Total | 10,670 | 7,804 |
| 备注: Springvale从属于Greater Dandenong. 罪案率指每10万人的罪案数量. |
前5大地产代理 | | 备注: 房屋销售市场份额根据Springvale的最近两年销售记录统计. |
用户评价 | 2012年07月02日 | Yum Cha Places:
I would never have known either until my aunty told me about it. Usually restaurants located in shopping centres aren't very good. However, East Dynasty have won the Asian Food Festival Best Yum Cha restaurant. I live about 30 minutes drive away from it but its so good that I still go there rather than all the other places nearer my house, such as
*Shark Fin in Keysborough and Burwood - flavours tailored for Western palettes
*Imperial Kingdom in Mount Waverley - not too bad but not a lot of different inventive dishes
*Gold Leaf in Springvale - Good prices and fast service but food ok
*New Royal Garden in Syndal - very cheap prices but again lacks any difference to other place
*Taipan in East Doncaster - food as someone mentioned early very oily and ultra salty, suited for Western palettes
*Treasure in Forest Hill - not bad flavour wise, service a bit slow
*Hong Kong Pearl in East Doncaster - used to be good but standards dropping, especially on busy days
*Han Palace in Vermont - also used to be good but have changed owners since and I find the standards have dropped along with the service
*Plume in Doncaster - food not that good and prices are ultra expensive
*Dragon Boat in Knox - totally awful, definitely do not go there
So of late have been going to East Dynasty the most, I like nearly all of their dishes. They do a few specialties really well such as this Taro Dumpling (fried) that has a brown crispy skin and taro and meat inside. I also love their chicken feet, if you are able to eat that. Their famous Golden Sand buns (limit of two trays per table) and the usual Prawn Dumplings, Gelatinous Rice Prawn Rolls and Fried Paper Prawn Parcels (ask for plum sauce with it). | | By um ti ko se - 2015年11月12日 | I WEELY LIKE DIS SPINGVALE IT GOOD VERY NICE | | By Helga Frygrape - 2016年06月22日 | Springvale very good. I like the old people there and all my cats got hit by the cars :) very good indeed. Need more pineapple trees, but it not multicultural it Asian af ^_^ I love how there are birds they edible but it makes life hard when u overlook them. I Also do lady Gaga at the flea market attracting flies with her meat dress. I really like this place but yeah good good | | |
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