Whittlesea 平均房价House 价格比去年上升7% . 周边地区 | A7/9 Oak Street, Whittlesea | 售价 $240,000 2009年05月 [更正] | Apartment: 3 1 1 | 地块面积: 226 平方米 | 距离: 36.8公里 to CBD; 13.8公里 to Donnybrook Station [公共交通] |
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地图位置 | 附近房价 | 详细描述: | Only 6 months old, this brick veneer villa unit offers 3 robed bedrooms, kitchen and lounge room. The home is heated by ducted gas and has a single lock up garage under roofline. All this within walking distance to schools and shops. An inspection will impress. Click here for more information 翻译中文 | 搜索邻居的房屋改建历史 | 政府房屋报告 |
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