Keilor Downs 平均房价House 价格比去年上升1% . 周边地区 | A42 Munich Drive, Keilor Downs | |
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地图位置 | 附近房价 | 详细描述: | 后院是朝 东北. 地块的坡度是 接近水平, 宽度是 18.5 米. 关于地块的详细描述... $290,000 - $310,000 Hidden away in this quiet pocket of Keilor Downs, this well kept treasure is the perfect place to find your feet. On a huge block with room to extend, this cheery retreat enjoys 3 good size bedrooms, inviting lounge and kitchen/meals area. Offering floor boards, carpets, heating, cooling, gas bench top, elec oven and security system. Very nicely positioned within a short distance to Keilor Downs shopping centre, private and public schools, transport services and parks. Lot/Plan No: 24/LP122062 翻译中文 | 搜索邻居的房屋改建历史 | 政府房屋报告 |
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