Glen Waverley Median PriceThe House price is 2% lower than last year. Surrounding suburbsBurwood East | $1,323,800  | Mount Waverley | $1,651,700  | Mulgrave | $1,091,100  | Notting Hill | $1,167,900  | Scoresby | $1,031,600  | Vermont South | $1,465,700  | Wantirna South | $1,263,300  | Glen Waverley Median RentThe House rent is 13% higher than last year.
| AImperial Chinese Seafood Restaurant | Address: | 546-554 Waverley Road, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 | Phone: | 0398026787 | Distance: | 18 km to CBD; 1.2 km to Syndal Station [Transport] |
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