Chatswood Median PriceThe House price is 18% higher than last year. Surrounding suburbsArtarmon | $2,752,800  | Castle Cove | $3,087,700  | Lane Cove North | $2,502,600  | Middle Cove | $2,777,500  | North Willoughby | $3,511,200  | Roseville | $3,171,800  | Willoughby | $3,419,300  | Chatswood Median RentThe House rent is 2% lower than last year.
| ACitadel Cafe | Address: | 799 Pacific Highway, Chatswood NSW 2067 | Phone: | 0294134459 | Distance: | 8.1 km to CBD; 271 meters to Chatswood Station [Transport] |
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