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Assisi Catholic College, Upper Coomera對比
學生總數:1198 (男生:540, 女生:658)
1058, 排名No.297 更多ICSEA排名...
高中排名:No.176 (2014), No.290 (2013), No.194 (2012), No.175 (2011), No.35 (2010), No.298 (2009)
位置:Upper Coomera
地址:173 Billinghurst Crescent, Upper Coomera QLD 4209
周邊:房價  租金  公共交通
電話:07 56567100

Assisi Catholic College is strategically located between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. It is a contemporary, co-educational P - 12 campus where the built environment of the college and unique engineering specifications reflect a commitment to environmental ... 更多
學生成績基於2011年National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN)結果.
By Alumnus - 2021年09月01日, 評價: 很差
I went here for 10 years. I started as a high achiever so was pushed to the side for other students, then when I fell behind due to a lack of response from teachers on my work, I then faced negative treatments from the teachers who never helped me to succeed. My older sibling arguably had it worse than me.
You will find a trend among students, that if their parent works or volunteers at the school, then the student is given favourable treatment. I watched this younger student go from D- average to B+ average within 6 months of her mother starting to volunteer at the school.
They ignore bullying unless the parent is able to kick up enough of a stink, and the more they rock the boat, it just makes the teachers do more subtle jabs at the student to punish the family.
If an older sibling has an issue, then the younger sibling faces discrimination because of it. My older sibling (1y older) has social issues and slight learning issues, and the teachers wouldn't give me a chance since they had issues with the sibling. This became really bad in year 10+ when they'd have a teacher who wouldn't like them due to these struggles, and the teacher would hate me because of their issues with sibling. My friend's younger sibling faced the opposite since she was the oldest of her siblings and the teachers loved her, so they unjustly gave favourable
treatment to her younger siblings who struggled like my older sibling struggled.
I was stolen from and harassed online which was ignored, but when I made a post calling her out, she took it to the school and I got reprimanded horribly. This girl never faced any repercussions for anything she did to me or anyone else.
My sibling was physically attacked during their time at this school, and they only stepped in once sibling retaliated (after over 6 months of physical abuse on school grounds).
When I was in year 12, I saw a huge group of year 7's come into our area and dry hump each other while the others stood around to shield the actions from teachers who walked past.
The year after I graduated, that year 12 group had a bad drug issue (cocaine I believe) which from what I heard was never resolved.
A friend of mine and his brother got really bad treatment from teachers. His brother (I think grade 8 or 9 at the time) came to school with undyed hair that did follow the rules set for boy's hair. He was given detention for "unnaturally bleached hair" since this hair was so blonde, even though it's his natural hair colour. They gave him daily detentions until his mother came in to school and demanded they stop targeting her children unjustly. They still targeted her 2 boys, but did so more subtly since that mother proved she would stand up to them and cause issues.
If you have ongoing health issues that cause you to miss out on a lot of school time, the teachers (and admin) will hold it against you.
When I was around year 7, one of the year 10 girls ended herself. the same teachers and students who caused her emotional issues were the same ones who set up and visited her in-school memorial, patting themselves on the back for doing everything they could.
The school counsellor I saw for a lot of this time promised our sessions were between us, but after I started looking into my parents' computer (they knew things I never told them) found countless emails between them discussing what I had told her. She ruined my trust in mental health professionals for years and I still have troubles because of these things. Even if she legally could do this due to me being a minor, she betrayed my trust since she promised it was just between us. Even little insignificant things were detailed to my parents. Of course when there was something I actually wanted her to tell my parents, those things were nowhere to be found. She almost exclusively told my parents the things I didn't want them to know.
The sick bay seemed bad the few times I went. They never seemed to take my sicknesses seriously because I'm the type who doesn't show sickness until it's too late (e.g. had to vomit, but it wouldn't appear that way until I was actively vomiting) so every time I'd go, it felt like they were holding in rolling their eyes at me. When I needed to borrow a spare uniform, they would question me intently because I had repeated incidents so they assumed I didn't know some basic information, but asked me so condescendingly, as though I was an idiot who didn't know something, but the issue was actually really severe and they never took me seriously.
I knew kids who would sneak in drugs or alcohol, and only those who bragged to teachers (or the wrong student) would get caught, but most went undetected if the student who dobbed them wasn't their teacher's pet.
I don't know if this is all schools in general or if this one is extra bad for it, but if you don't click with people and can't find your group of friends, then your best bet is to leave and come back in a year or 2 when there's fresh faces to meet. I was relatively a loner so even when I'd click with a new student, they'd quickly ditch me for a larger group because nobody wants to befriend the loner unless it's their only choice. My mum insisted I wait it out and I'd find proper friends eventually, but I lived out the school years being an outcast, or allowed to sit with people but they'd actively ignore me when I talked or tried to befriend them properly. The whole reason I could sit with them without direct negative comments was because one girl there insisted they include me, so they let me sit there but refused to actually befriend me. It was so confusing to me in the moment since from the outside people thought I found my group and that I was being accepted, but I literally couldn't say a word to them without getting side-eyed and talked over. They ended up moving spots to sit elsewhere and told me (when the nice girl wasn't around) to not sit with them anymore since none of them wanted me around anyway. At least that nice girl stood up for me when this other girl started loudly and directly bullying me.
I never understood how I could be so hated by the teachers either, since I was very well behaved in class. I never had anyone to talk to so I was quiet, I did my best to do the work and often finished class work early. I never disturbed anyone else, I did the assigned classwork, I always did as asked by the teachers, yet they never treated me nicely. I was either ignored due to not being an issue, or was loudly insulted for what I was incapable of doing right.
By Student - 2021年06月11日, 評價: 很差
I attended Assisi Catholic College for Y7 & Y8. My sister attended Assisi Y7-12. From not only my experience but from witnessing my sisters i must say the worst school ever. They do absolutely nothing about bullying. The teachers are morons that don’t know how to teach. I watched my Graffics teacher cut 3 fingers off in class. My sister was Constantly bullied and picked on for a medical issue that nearly killed her, she had a wheely bag due to not being able to carry a back pack on her back.. For a student in High school it’s pathetic and honestly the school should have done something. Instead of doing something they then repeated to target me for defending my sister who is 3 years older than me. As a kid that suffered from severe anxiety as well a depression. I do have a history of self harm. I used to wear the jumper all day even in summer. I remember vividly getting screamed at by at teacher for wearing my SCHOOL jumper in summer. The correct jumper i might add. I was then made to take my jumper off in front of my ENTIRE CLASS 30 students might i add. Something i will never forget. This happened repeatedly. I have visible scars on my arms 3-4 years later. You can imagine how bad and fresh they were at that moment. Mrs Mac should be fired! The old grey haired religion teacher has no morals. Not only did i struggle with family problems which led to me having to leave home at 14. I received no support from the school throughout this. I was living in a abusive home. Once the school instead of talking to me about, went over my head to the abuser. Another thing i will never forget. The principal Mr Laidler is lovely but his staff need a reality check. I chose not to return to assisi for year 9 after returning for one day. I was then begged by staff to stay at the school like the pathetic fools they are. The made empty promises, ones they made to my sister. As a little sister it was the hardest thing seeing the lack of support by teachers and staff for a straight A student, that survived a life threatening surgery that nearly paralysed her but continued to effect her daily. Assisi broke her. My sister is naturally very smart she always has been, ever since attending assisi she has changed. My sister has sever social anxiety. Shes 20 later this year. My sister will only leave the house with me because can’t even go up to a store worker to ask for help. Due to my home issues i couldn’t afford everything needed for school. I left my hat on the bus and my carer couldn’t afford a new one. We needed the money to eat. We informed the school, who then proceeded to give me lunch detention for weeks. I couldn’t eat lunch with my friends. How pathetic for a school. They could of offered a lost unclaimed one or give a child except due to the fact we couldn’t afford it or we’d have no food for a day at least. 60$ hats they were! I followed the rules, i did my homework and all school work, i was respectful to staff. yet i was treated in such a disgusting way. Not only did my mental health suffer, my own sisters did. I will never forgive assisi for that. I watched teacher pick on my sister. If i ever defend my older sister i would be targeted to the point i would have anxiety attacks on the way to school. The school staff used to call my carer saying they needed to take me to the hospital for heart problems or they would call the ambulance. Again 500$ we couldn’t afford. Those were panic attacks and Anxiety attacks. Such uneducated staff. Even councillors. They were oblivious to the self harm, to anxiety attacks. I used to fake heart problems in year 7 when i lived with the abuser so i could go to hospital or office for help they made me sleep in sick bay all day. 6 hours! I told the office what was really wrong. I needed help not a nap. I’m almost 17. I would be in year 11 this year. I’ve attended 4 high schools. Assisi will forever be the worst.
By Student - 2020年10月17日, 評價: 很差
This school has major issues my friend is leaving the school because people talk behind her back and teachers do nothing about bullying
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