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St Kilda Median Price
The House price is 3% lower than last year.
St Kilda Median Rent
The House rent is 20% higher than last year.
St Kilda home sold price
St Kilda rent price
New houses in St Kilda
Wilson Agents - Port Phillip
Agent Profile
Address:50 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda 3182
Phone:03 9525 4166
Property Sales Market Share in 2 Years
Middle Park11%
St Kilda7
Caulfield South2
St Kilda East2
St Kilda West1
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Know Melbourne and the wider Port Phillip, Glen Eira and Stonnington areas through your local experts at WILSON. Collectively, we've been selling and leasing real estate for more than 40 years! We have award winning agents in our team, with proven track records to deliver you the best result. We have one of the largest rent rolls in the inner suburbs, as well as a commercial team. We believe in lasting client relationships. A great deal of our business is built on referrals and repeat clients. From St Kilda to Caulfield, Elwood to Armadale, Prahran to South Melbourne, the CBD and all points in between we provide the highest standards of service, and results our competitors can't match.
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